Hemp Hops Shrooms festival returns to Carbondale
For those craving for more cannabis-related entertainment in southern Illinois, the Hemp Hops Shrooms festival is back for its 2nd annual event and again offering a unique combination of education and entertainment.
The Hemp Hops Shrooms festival—in coordinating with the Southern Illinois University Cannabis Science Center, SIU Fermentation Science Institute, City of Carbondale, and Carbondale Main Street—is open to the public and set to host educational presentations, food trucks, local artists, vendors, live music, and more.
The event, located at Washington Street Entertainment Block in Carbondale, is scheduled for 3-10 p.m. Saturday, September 23. The SIUC Cannabis Science Center and Fermentation Science Institute are set to give educational presentations from 3-7 p.m. Vendors will be there from 3-10 p.m.
The Hemp Hops Shrooms festival also coincides with Carbondale’s 5-part Off the Rails concert series. Off the Rails is scheduled to start at 7 p.m. with DJ Vortex and DJ Radiator. At 8:30 p.m., Rosalba Valdez will take the stage. The music and vending ends at 10 p.m.
Food options will include Shawnee Cake House, Dale’s Burger Shack, Honey Beez Snowball, Sidney & Solomon Foods, and more. The event will host more than 40 vendors related to hemp, hops, or mushrooms. A limited number of vending booths are available.
Anyone interested in vending can sign up here. For question or more information, email dhaun@explorecarbondale.com. If interested in becoming a presenter, please contact the Cannabis Science Center at cannabis-center@siu.edu. To find more cannabis-friendly events in Illinois, visit here.
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