IHGA to host membership meeting
The Illinois Hemp Growers Association (IHGA) is scheduled to host its Membership Meeting with two guest speakers early next month. The meeting will include education, networking, updates about the industry, raffles, and a question and answer portion.
The IHGA Membership Meeting is set for 6-7 p.m. December 8. Members can also join by zoom. To become an IHGA member, sign up at Illinoishga.com. For more information, contact founder and CEO Rachel Berry by email at rachel@illinoishga.com.
The two guest speakers for the event include Jared Garlish and James Forbes. Jared Garlish is the new Hemp Program Manager at the Illinois Department of Agriculture. James Forbes is the Co-Founder of TigerFiber, which can also be found on Twitter @tigerfiber. The two speakers will share their expertise and insight into the hemp industry.
Founded in 2018, the IHGA is a women-led benefit corporation supported by the sponsorship, donations, and dues of over 1,000 grassroots members. The IHGA educates producers and consumers while representing the industry’s best interests in Springfield and throughout the state of Illinois. Rachel Berry, founder and CEO, stated on the IHGA website, “Our goal is to build the resources and relationships necessary to grow a sustainable and equitable hemp industry. The IHGA achieves its goal through public education, consultation and service, working with legislators and statewide media on the issues, and volunteerism.”
The IHGA represents more than 800 members. A benefit corporation is a type of for-profit corporate entity that includes making a positive impact on society, workers, the community and the environment in addition to profit as its legally defined goals. The definition of “best interest of the corporation” is specified to include those impacts. The IHGA prioritizes public benefit over profit. The IHGA works to engage state and federal lawmakers and departments. The IHGA also prepares and distributes educational materials to the public and advocates for industrial hemp in the press, as well as provides affordable services to help people save time and make informed decisions.
“We practice servant leadership, a philosophy built on the belief that the most effective leaders strive to serve others, rather than accrue power or take control,” Berry continued. “We volunteer our time to increase our impact on the industry, help build community awareness, and encourage collective stewardship.”
The IHGA can be found on Instagram @illinoishga, Illinois Products @illinoisproducts, and the Illinois State Fair @ILStateFair. Twitter accounts include @IllinoisHGA and @ILStateFair. To learn about cannabis-friendly events in Illinois, visit here.
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