Illinois Cannabis Cup judging deadline Oct. 22
The fourth annual Illinois High Times Magazine People’s Choice Cannabis Cup judges have only a few more days left to complete each sample product before the deadline to submit. The judging window started August 19, and the deadline to submit all product rankings is Oct. 22. The awards show is set to stream live starting at 4:20 p.m. November 5.
The 2023 categories include the following:
Indica Flower
Sativa Flower
Hybrid Flower
Non-Infused Pre-Rolls
Infused Pre-Rolls
Solvent Concentrates
Non-Solvent Concentrates
Vape Pens & Cartridges
Edibles: Gummies & Fruit Chews
Edibles: Chocolates & Non-Gummies
Edibles: Beverages
Topicals, Tinctures, Capsules & Sublinguals
Medical: Flower
Medical: Vape Pens & Cartridges
Medical: Edibles
According to High Times Magazine, the “High Times Cannabis Cup Illinois: People’s Choice Edition is aimed to identify and award the best cannabis products in all of Illinois, all across a wide range of different categories, all to be judged by the great people of the Land of Lincoln.”
For the 2022 cup winners, click here.
For the 2021 cup winners, click here.
For 2020 cup winners, click here.
To read my essay, My Experience Judging the High Times Cannabis Cup, from 2020, click here. For more Illinois cannabis industry news, visit here.
To find cannabis-friendly events in Illinois, visit here.
For Illinois News Joint reviews, visit here.