The makeup of original News Joint Memes
When asked what is my favorite part of publishing Illinois News Joint, I usually answer the connections with the cannabis community and the overall perks (which are better than any other job I’ve ever had). But the one aspect of content I enjoy most is creating original memes. For this meme series, we ask our readers to answer whether the listed name on the meme is a Bed Bath & Beyond soap scent, cannabis strain, or both.
Hint: each meme contains 3 cannabis strain names, 3 BB&B soap scents, and 2 both soap and strain. For the correct answers, please check out our original meme page (and scroll down a bit) for the answer-key memes.
The germ of the idea for this new series of memes came when I noticed that two Bed Bath & Beyond foaming hand soaps on my sink had the same scent names as strains in my library. I researched and found the connections, matched the soap scents to similar strain names, and created these meme so readers can take as an amusing and entertaining way to test their strain and/or soap scent knowledge.
In general, I have five rules for creating original memes for Illinois News Joint.
- First and foremost, memes are personal for me. The meme has to entertain me. If I think the meme is funny and/or entertaining and delivers what I want for an original meme, I truly don’t care if others enjoy the meme or not.
- To entertain me, memes usually have to be funny, offbeat, eccentric, void of clichés, and/or esoteric, but most importantly, I want our memes to be unique, unexpected, and creative. Plus, we really enjoy satirical backhands.
- I don’t follow or chase meme trends. I won’t create a “slap” memes or rehash worn-out memes that everyone is plastering across social media during any given trend.
- I don’t force the creation of memes on a schedule. When the germ of the idea hits me, I write it down and see where it goes from there. I’ve trashed more meme ideas/attempts than I’ve completed, and sometimes in creating art, that is needed.
- I create and design each meme from scratch. It takes too much time and usually is not worth it. But Memes are a creative outlet for me that most of publishing News Joint does not supply, and my mind and body have to have some type of creative outlet.
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