The A Friend Indeed program helps veterans, patients battling cancer, and anyone in desperate need with personalized equipment, genetics, and other resources to legally grow their own medicine at home. Illinois News Joint has collaborated with several business and individuals to offer a broad foundation of assets. With gracious donations and discounts from our partners, we are able to offer these resources for our A Friend Indeed program from the following businesses.
Modern Compassionate Care is an integrative wellness clinic founded by Katie Sullivan, a nurse practitioner, and Beth Lupo, a therapist. We are passionate about approaching health from a holistic, mind-body-spirit perspective. Their philosophy is rooted in trauma-informed care, and they believe in client-led healing. They strive to truly listen to patients and to collaborate with them to create individualized treatment plans that meet their unique needs and work with their lifestyles. In support of the A Friend Indeed program, Veterans can schedule an appointment and receive a medical card for as a special-discounted price of $100.
Once the patient is legal to grow medicine from home, Illinois News Joint also partnered with seed banks/breeders and grow shops to help with free genetics, free/discounted equipment, grow mentoring, free grow classes, and other resources designed for specific individual needs. Please let us know how we can help.
Rimrock Analytical offers free cannabis plant sex testing to Veterans and those battling cancer, as well as free shipping for anyone who uses promo code ILNJ.
Grow Shops
Seed Banks
Other Organizations
Illinois News Joint is currently collaborating with new business to help expand the program with more recourse. If you’re interested in having “A Friend Indeed” in your life or contributing to the program, please contact us via email or social media and let us know how we can help.