Curaleaf launches Feed the Block program to fight food insecurity
Curaleaf Holdings announced a multi-state fundraising initiative in which proceeds will benefit 24 locally run food banks, homeless shelters, and nonprofits working to proactively address the needs of those facing food insecurity in communities across America.
From Nov. 21 to Dec. 5, 2020, Curaleaf is accepting donations in 90 Curaleaf retail locations to benefit local organizations targeting hunger, with a commitment to match a percentage of the total raised in each of its 23 states.
As a part of “Feed the Block,” Curaleaf will accompany donations with activations on the ground in key markets by partnering with local grocers and nonprofits to provide food to neighborhoods in need. In addition to the fiscal donations happening across the country, further community support by way of direct meal donations will be deployed in Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
This effort is a part of the Strategic Social Partnerships pillar within Curaleaf’s “Rooted in Good” Corporate Social Responsibility platform.
“It’s our responsibility as the leading multi-state cannabis operator to really understand the needs within our communities,” said Curaleaf President Joe Bayern. “The core of our focus at Curaleaf is on the health and wellness of our customers and patients, and holistic community health is not possible if all of our citizens do not have their basic needs met. We’re proud to support our communities with ‘Feed the Block’ in partnership with 24 organizations across the country this year.”
According to the company, Curaleaf will continue to build on its “Rooted in Good” program, focusing on its four pillars throughout the year: diversity, equity & inclusion, social equity, sustainability/environment and strategic social partnerships. As a part of its Strategic Social Partnerships pillar, the Company will focus on food insecurity, social justice, wellness, cannabis education and health across the country.
“With ‘Rooted in Good,’ we’re focused on developing social impact work that meets the needs of our communities at the deepest level. Each of our ‘Feed the Block’ partners was evaluated to ensure they directly reach the communities most impacted by food insecurity in the cities and states that Curaleaf operates,” shared VP of Corporate Social Responsibility Khadijah Tribble. “Our strategic partners help us maximize community impact and demonstrate our values as a company that believes in the power of doing the right thing.”
As a part of this program, Curaleaf is intentionally working with organizations that are supporting those with the greatest needs via direct donations of nutritional food to its local communities. This is a critical piece of Curaleaf’s Supplier Diversity Program, in which the Company commits to having holistic partnerships with brands, ancillary businesses, and suppliers owned by individuals from communities disproportionately impacted by the War on Drugs across the country.
Curaleaf will continue to expand on its “Rooted in Good” CSR efforts throughout late 2020 and 2021. To learn more about how “Feed the Block” will impact Illinois, click here.
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