MCDIY to host 420 Cannabis Event Wednesday
Medical Cannabis DIY and the Vape Vault are set to host the 2nd annual 420 Cannabis Event in Champaign.
The event is scheduled for 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 20, at the Vape Vault. The Vape Vault is located at 723 S Neil Street in Champaign and can be reached by phone at (217) 607-0793.
Medical Cannabis DIY is a private educational Facebook group that helps cannabis medical patients learn how to creating their own edibles, oils, and way more.
Host Holly Anderson will be demonstrating several of her recipes and concoctions for the public.
Attendants are welcome to bring folding chairs for outside seating, but if it rains, the event will be hosted inside. The event is open to all adults.
MCDIY can be found on Facebook and Instram @medicalcannabisdiy. The Vape Vault can be found on Instagram @vapevaultinc.
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