GroUp Pekin to host Coffee & Cones
As mentioned in our last articles, Illinois News Joint has added an Events Page in order to better track and promote all cannabis-related happenings in Illinois. Now, it’s time to fill the calendar with events, such as Coffee & Cones.
Coffee & Cones, hosted by GroUp Gardening Pekin, will be a cannabis-friendly get-together in which growers and grower-curious alike can gather and discuss growing and other aspects of the cannabis community in an open and nurturing environment.
The event is scheduled for Sunday, January 9, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at GroUp Gardening, located at 229 Court Street in Pekin. Please RSVP by January 5, so GroUp has enough coffee, pastries, eggs, and sausages for everyone. To RSVP, call the Pekin store at (309)-349-4407.
To list a cannabis-related event on our Events Page calendar, please email the editor with all pertinent information.
For more information about the Illinois cannabis industry, click here.