Prairie State Hemp to host Puff & Paint event
About a decade ago when I moved to the Champaign-Urbana area, I quickly noticed the popularity of “wine and art” events, in which participants drink wine and paint by instruction. While covering one of these events as a reporter, I thought, “This would be a lot cooler if I could smoke weed.” Well, now you can.
Prairie State Hemp is scheduled to host “Puff & Paint” from 6-9 p.m. September 10. Artist Paige Patrick will conduct the painting. Brushes, canvas, and Prairie State Hemp goodies are included with admission. Consumption of Prairie State Hemp product and bring-your-own product is encouraged.
Prairie State Hemp is located at 460 East Washington Street in downtown Springfield. Tickets are available for purchase here but filling up fast. To learn about cannabis-friendly events in Illinois, click here.
According to its website, “Prairie State Hemp is a hemp farm and cannabis supplier located in Springfield, Illinois. We are a close group of friends and family who combine our skillsets and passion to bring you the highest quality hemp products. We began this venture to educate the masses on the power of this amazing plant. Cannabis and hemp have the ability to heal and change the world. Our goal is to dispel the stigmas and shady business practices that this industry has come to accept as a norm. We have first-handedly watched our loved ones fall prey to big pharma and become addicted to prescription opioids. It is our mission to spread the healing powers of this plant and to educate our people with information that could change and potentially save their lives.”
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