Review: Moby Dick Wax by PTS
By @medsforheads
With the abundance of high-terpene live extracts on the market, crumble wax is one type of concentrate that has all but fallen out of style among regular dabbers. Yet, to the humble whipped extract’s credit, it’s one of the only forms of BHO that can be handled fairly easily without a fine tool and doesn’t require an elaborate dabbing setup to get everything out of it. As such, Progressive Treatment Solutions’ Moby Dick wax really shone as a complement to flower moreso than tossed in a banger.
The wax, procured at Consume Chicago, arrived in three neat shards that were an anemic yellow-tan color, indicating significant remediation before the lemon-lime scent tipped me off completely. Its semi-stiff Play-Doh consistency between the fingers made it feel natural to break off a chunk and either squish a patty between layers of flower in a bowl or roll a quick snake to line a joint.
Although I did try a few dabs of Moby Dick using both a hot start and a cold start, I found it a little too hard to choke down, with a harshness in the concentrated vapor that was absent in more diffuse intake methods.
Moby Dick is a Dinafem genetic combining a Haze with White Widow. Though the strain’s typically expressed flavors are reported to include lemon, woods, and floral spice, the white whale took me more to the seas of citronella candles and lime popsicles loaded with artificial sweeteners.
This gram tested at 72.9% total THC, 4.58% CBGa and 4.23% terpenes, of which b-caryophyllene, terpinolene, and guaiol were the most prevalent. The invigorating and circulation-improving effects of the CBG stood out in particular each time I used it, while the terpinolene added a touch of psychedelia to the mix.
Just a pinch was enough to give me an energetic alertness with intense but fleeting bursts of focus as my attention flipped from subject to subject, like I was channel surfing. On the physical side, I experienced a rise in heart rate, initial feeling of floating into the distance, and a mildly jittery sensation in my extremities. Surpassing a functional dose brought on a rapturous stoniness that stalled activity until the peak subsided.
Before sampling this wax, I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t know Dick, and even after I got my hands on it, some of its mysteries still confused me. I wouldn’t rush to get it back in my system, but I was impressed by its stability at nearly six months old, and am curious to try other waxes in the same vein. For more Illinois News Joint reviews, click here.
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Effects & Medical Attributes are based on anecdotal evidence. Individual experiences can be varied.