Cannabis packaging bills under consideration
Four Illinois House bills involving the labeling and packaging of cannabis have been introduced within the last month. Probably the most watched bill of these four is HB3741, which requires “cannabis-infused products that have been treated with radiation to conform to specified labeling requirements.”
Rep. Eva-Dina Delgado sponsored HB3741 February 17. After its first reading, HB3741 was referred to the Rules Committee.
On that same day, Rep. Norma Hernandez sponsored HB3970. HB3970 amends the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. The bill provides that “cannabis packaging must not contain neon or fluorescent colors; the words “candy”, “candies”, or any variant of those words, such as “kandy” or “kandeez”; things that are commonly used to market products to individuals under the age of 21, including symbols, images, characters, public figures, or phrases; or images of individuals who could reasonably appear to be under the age of 21. Modifies a prohibition of images on labels designed or likely to appeal to minors to include games.” HB3970 was referred to the Rules Committee.
January 31, 2023, Rep. Jawaharial Williams and Rep. Kevin John Olickal cosponsored a House Bill 1559. HB1559 amends the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act and provides that “a dispensing organization that sells or offers for sale a pre-rolled joint must stamp the pre-rolled joint with the month, day, and year that it was rolled and packaged for retail sale.”
The final labeling and packing House Bill was HB2812. Rep. Bob Morgan and Kelly M. Cassidy cosponsored the bill February 16, 2023. HB2812 amends Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act and provides that “a medical cannabis container shall be compliant with standards established by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, unless the medical cannabis container carries a warning that it is not recommended for use in households with children. Amends the Use Tax Act and the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act to make corresponding changes.”
For more Illinois cannabis industry news, visit here.
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