Homegrown GOAT Cup set for July 16
The Homegrown GOAT Cup is just around the corner, which means so is the awards announcement for the GOAT cup competition. Along with crowning the GOAT Cup grow-off winner, this one-day celebration of local flavors, craftsmanship, and community spirit will host a diverse array of more than 50 vendors, including Illinois News Joint.
The event, presented by Homegrown Supplies Inc., is free to the public and runs from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Sunday, July 16, and is located at 1519 East Main Street in St. Charles. Free parking and a cooling tent are available. Stoner Olympics start at 2:30 p.m. .Sign up at gate to compete. Cup winners announced at 4:20 p.m. More information can be found here.
The GOAT Cup, a cannabis-grow off in which home growers from the region display their exceptional cultivation skills, will award “the grower who surpasses all expectations, delivering the most remarkable flower.” The inaugural Homegrown Goat Cup, sponsored by GOAT Genetics, will have giveaways, raffles, prizes, and more.
For more information about the event, contact Lil’ Bean Smoke Shop & Farmers Market by email at richellecolon2023@gmail.com. Homegrown Supplies can be found on Instagram @homegrownsuppliesinc,Facebook. GOAT Genetics can be found on Instagram @g.o.a.t_genetics. To find cannabis-friendly events in Illinois, visit here.
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