Illinois medical cannabis sales lowest since adult-use legalization
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported November 2022 medical cannabis sales totals. As shown in the line chart, since May 2022, monthly sales totals have plateaued to the lowest levels since recreational cannabis became legalized in Illinois, and as shown in the bar chart, the estimated yearly totals for 2022 should fall short of 2020 totals and well short of 2021 totals.

ILNJ bar graph
For the sixth straight month, Illinois’ monthly medical cannabis sales of medical cannabis finished around $28 million. November sales totaled $28,204,431.51. November retail sales of medical cannabis included $12,822,042.01 in dry flower and $15,382,389.50 in concentrates/infused-products. Licensed medical cannabis dispensaries served 63,831 unique patients, who purchased 1,120,776 grams of dry cannabis.
Please note that August monthly medical sales totals were recorded as $28,966,586.76, which was actually July’s monthly totals. The August estimated monthly sales should have been slightly less than September’s $28,055,726.06 at around $27.9 million.
For 2022, Illinois’ to date total medical cannabis sales should be around $321.8 million (with the estimated August sales included). The 2022 yearly totals (with estimated August and December totals) should be around $350 million. That would be a decrease from 2021 yearly totals of $397,249,781.70 and close to 2020 totals of $357,119,378.27.
Monthly Totals for 2022:
January: $29,686,123.47
February: $28,187,064.97
March: $31,965,526.26
April: $31,774,180.50
May: $30,132,347.02
June: $28,456,450.40
July: $28,966,586.76
August: $27,9XX,XXX.XX?
September: $28,055,726.06
October: $28,496,461.08
November: $28,204,431.51
Monthly Totals for 2021:
January: $32,670,476.42
February: $29,579,209.83
March: $35,688,321.20
April: $35,281,250.08
May: $34,187,235.91
June: $31,776,279.07
July: $34,324,297.27
August: $32,633,798.89
September: $32,292,958.94
October: 31,874,815.57
November: $31,514,504.78
December: $35,426,633.74
2021 totals: $397,249,781.70
Monthly Totals for 2020
January: $27,358,975.27
February: $23,397,209.38
March: $23,397,209.38
April: $29,976,735.01
May: $31,111,926.69
June: $32,060,899.28
July: $29,652,555.16
August: $33,251,969.41
September: $31,542,786.79
October: $31,440,439.61
November: $33,135,102.46
December: $30,793,569.83
2020 Yearly Totals: $357,119,378.27
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