My experience at the Daze Off Launch Party
As Illinois cannabis events have developed a tried-and-true structure for navigating the limited regulatory structure offered in the state, they’ve finally moved to a real model of experience building. Last Sunday night, I spent time at the Daze Off Brand Launch, where every piece of the night fit the easygoing brand image Daze Off is introducing to the state.
Daze Off hosted the event at Workshop 4200, self described as “Chicago’s much needed home for all kinds of creators: makers, builders, artists, teachers, performers, designers, engineers, and innovators. As the first-ever Creatorspace™ Workshop 4200 has developed into a productive, inspiring environment that encourages the creative spirit of innovation.”
Daze Off had created a multi-station circuit with various activities, including participatory visual art installations, a mini skatepark with exhibiting skaters, an arcade room, built out video game lounge rooms, a smoke tent, and flower, concentrate, and cart vape bars.
I made some friends in the vape bar line before I got my fill of some of the new flower and dabs from Daze Off. The “everything at once” approach to the event was highly conducive to “bumping into” people you recognized (or recognized you) as you moved from activity to activity, creating little moments of serendipity throughout the night.
Once I had properly soaked in everything happening (and indulged in one too many dabs and free hot dogs) I enjoyed a few nice conversations with some new and old acquaintances before I made my way home with a swag bag in hand. Daze Off created a memorable space to celebrate their easygoing fun-focused brand in an easygoing fun focused way. To learn about cannabis-friendly events in Illinois, visit here.
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